Thursday 13 August 2009


Once the queen of myspace, now potentially the queen of Twitter, it's got to be said that Tila Tequila, otherwise known as Tila Nguyen, has made a big impression on social networking sites. With 224, 345 followers she dominates Twitter with her reign. This to me seems a little odd due to the fact in the outside world, she's not a very big celebrity, only recently has she gained a name for herself. Known widely for her reality TV show series "A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila", where we saw men and women battle it out for her "bisexual" love, she provided the usual drama of tears and tantrums. Aside from this MTV series, not a lot of people know she's more acclaimed for her music, with songs such as "Stripper Friends" and "Fuck Ya Man"...I think that pretty much sums up the extent and popularity of it. Her modelling which is the line of work that she started out in, and lets not forget her book; "Hooking Up with Tila Tequila: A Guide to Love, Fame, Happiness, Success, and Being the Life of the Party" - obviously a best seller.

I've come to see from reading her tweets that she actually is a little bit....mental? Reading up on her background, Wikipedia never lets me down, you can tell she didn't have the best upbringing. Rebelling and going a little off the rails in her teens she joined gangs and got into drugs, so why does she talk so righteously? I've heard her come out with lines like "i'm a virgin" and quoting high public figures such as Martin X, even going as far as changing her picture to him. Maybe the drugs left her a bit crazy? Or she's trying to hide the past.

I'll give it to her that she bothers with her fans on Twitter, and having a mass amount of power over them. I've seen her get things into trending topics within the hour such as #FART, that one was special, the one she's most known for #TilaArmy and more recently #Pickmetila where she got her fans to post it the most in their statuses, and the winner will meet Tila (the results are out tomorrow so let's see if she actually goes ahead with this). Although I respect the fact she does contact fans, you can see her lap up the replies by picking those that seem a little too obsessed with Tila - I remember one person saying "I never sleep so I can read all your tweets Tila" - this person clearly has nothing better to do with their time. Talking of sleep, that's one thing Tila lacks and she makes a point to mention, I think it should say in her Bio. When does this girl sleep? It must be a few hours a day, I bet underneath the make up are some heavy bags under the eyes.

So my dilemma is, do I unfollow her? Or carrying on reading the thoughts of Tila?


  1. I might follow her just to see what all the hub bub is about...

  2. That girl is off her head. Especially the last suicide rant. However, you cant stop following her because lover her or hate her, she is interesting.
